Murder at Yule

An ongoing work of murder and mystery - is it real - is it not?

Location: Oklahoma, United States

Sunday, January 21, 2007

A shot rings out....

The cold gray December day is silent and icy. The trees are bare and only the occasional hawk sits on high looking out across the frozen fields, watching for movement and a meal. Muted words make their way outside of the trailer that sits at the end of the row. Anger is heard and followed by shouts and screams. Silence follows for a moment and then a shot rings out, echoing throughout the metal homes and barren trees. The closest hawks take flight, startled from their quiet observance of the landscape below them.

The sound of the gunshot rang continuously inside of Christen's head, rousing her out of the dream that had her trapped. She sat up with a start, heart pounding, palms sweating and a cry on her lips that died there. The early pre-dawn light glowed faintly through the bedroom window. She lay there trying to slow down her breathing and get out of the grip of adrenaline that held her tight. Another dream, another premonition, another feeling of dread. "Maybe not," she thought to herself, "maybe it's just a bad dream. Just a little subconscious housecleaning." After mulling things over for a bit she finally got up quietly, trying not to disturb her husband. Chris knew that she wasn't going to get back to sleep again and decided to start the coffee and clear her head.

The quiet of the early dawn hours were always peaceful and soothing for Chris, today was different though. There was a buzzing in her ears that she couldn't shake and an ache behind her eyes that was just strong enough to be annoying but didn't warrant any serious attention. Well, things would straighten themselves out soon enough, thought Chris. As in the past, she would either have verification that an event had occurred that would prove her dream to be true or she would have to just push past it and get on with her day. That was always the way of things for a psychic.

Her talents were joked about by law enforcement until they came knocking and asking for help. Luckily, Chris had a good friend that worked as a great go-between and kept the fools and idiots at bay. Sure enough, the phone rang a little past 7:00 AM and Catherine was on the line full of concern and questions. It might have seemed uncanny to most people, the close tie that Catherine and Chris shared, but it worked well and kept Chris grounded. Catherine always knew when Chris had premonitions. The two women had worked together on several cases over the past few years. Catherine was a nationally known private investigator and had always been known for being a no-nonsense kind of investigator. Her reputation and talent had helped to give validity to Chris and her abilities early on in her career. If being a full time psychic can be considered a career.


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